Saturday, October 10, 2009

Block 46

hmmm. A week late or a day early. I'm choosing a day early. :)

I started off this block with a few flying geese. Then I set things out. I chose to do this block with just two fabrics because I really like the red one but it would be stunning in different colours and fabrics.

Here it is with the centre Ohio star assembled. (It was assembled just like a 9-patch).

Here is the first border attached. If you notice the pattern is courthouse steps. I first attached the opposite short strips. Then centered and attached the longer strips. Since we're dealing with fairly narrow borders, I cut each one slightly larger and then squared up each block to the correct size for each border.

Do the same things for the next border.

And the next one, and the next one, etc....

Until you have your finished block!

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